Community Engagement: Making Missoula’s Reserve Street SaferCommunity Engagement: Making Missoula’s Reserve Street SaferWhat do you think should be done to Reserve Street?Peter ChristianPeter Christian
Mayor Davis Leads Missoula’s Efforts to House Homeless VeteransMayor Davis Leads Missoula’s Efforts to House Homeless VeteransDavis called the effort ‘a housing sprint’.Peter ChristianPeter Christian
Addressing Affordable Housing: 89 New Homes in Missoula’s North SideAddressing Affordable Housing: 89 New Homes in Missoula’s North SideThere will be over 46 homes that will be available in the next few years for folks earning low to moderate wages.Peter ChristianPeter Christian
Community Survey Results: Missoula City Officials Hear Mixed NewsCommunity Survey Results: Missoula City Officials Hear Mixed NewsOne of the key findings in the survey was the excellent recreation opportunities available to Missoula residents and visitors.Peter ChristianPeter Christian
Exclusive Interview: How Missoula City Snowplows Battle Winter StormsExclusive Interview: How Missoula City Snowplows Battle Winter StormsPlease try not to throw the snow back out in the street.Peter ChristianPeter Christian
Missoula Gets Part of $7 Million Grant for Affordable HousingMissoula Gets Part of $7 Million Grant for Affordable HousingThe City of Missoula will receive $391,270.Peter ChristianPeter Christian
Missoula’s Russell Street Corridor Improvements Will Take TimeMissoula’s Russell Street Corridor Improvements Will Take TimeMissoula's Russell Street Corridor to undergo major renovationsDennis BraggDennis Bragg
Youth and Marijuana Use: Addressing the Risks in MissoulaYouth and Marijuana Use: Addressing the Risks in MissoulaThere are 55 dispensaries in Missoula and public health says we should have a maximum of 12.Peter ChristianPeter Christian
City of Missoula’s First-Ever ‘Name the Snowplow’ ContestCity of Missoula’s First-Ever ‘Name the Snowplow’ ContestThe city just wanted to have a little fun as the winter season officially begins.Peter ChristianPeter Christian
City Says Plows Will be Ready When Snow Hits MissoulaCity Says Plows Will be Ready When Snow Hits MissoulaWhen you shovel your driveways and sidewalks, please do not to push the snow into the plowed streets.Peter ChristianPeter Christian
Missoula Considers Reducing Sidewalk Project Costs for HomeownersMissoula Considers Reducing Sidewalk Project Costs for HomeownersAs of now, homeowners have the option to defer paying for their sidewalks until their home sells.Peter ChristianPeter Christian
New Housing Initiatives Aim to Enhance Missoula’s NeighborhoodsNew Housing Initiatives Aim to Enhance Missoula’s NeighborhoodsCity Councilor Mike Nugent said the proposed plan will help to define growth over the next decade.Peter ChristianPeter Christian