The Governor's Office, MT FW&P, and Northwestern Energy are closely monitoring the situation and working to fix the malfunction. Meanwhile, volunteers are stepping up to help save fish.
Wow we really do live on Gods Country. The Middle Fork river was where I spent the beautiful day yesterday. This is one of the prettiest stretches of water, a great place to see.
I have recently taken up fly tying since I have not been having much luck winter fly fishing so maybe tying some flies would be good! Well lets just say you are going to want to have a bit of patience to start but I hear once you get it down it becomes a lot more relaxing and fun...
If you have spent anytime fishing in your life, odds are you have encountered a bleeding fish. Sometimes your hook can damage the fish's gill causing it to bleed. It is a heart wrenching scenario, especially when you are planning on throwing the fish back in the water and not the frying pan...
This past weekend, Missoula was host to the Orvis Guide Rendezvous Show. This show included both Montana-based companies and companies based outside of Montana, all of which cater to fly fishing in some aspect or another. Pretty much any and every kind of company that can be associated with fly fishing was there, from raft frame makers to cooler manufacturers and drift boat manufacturers to anchor
As I have mentioned before, my husband is an ex-fly fishing guide. So, whenever I want any information on this subject, I go straight to him. It also helps that he seems to have an unhealthy obsession with fly fishing. We often joke about this, as certain times of the year I find myself a fishing widow. Of course these times coincide with the numerous fly hatches.
This past weekend I attended a writer’s conference. In one of the classes that I attended, the author spoke about how everything a writer writes is important. I have to say, that I didn’t totally buy that, until today. The past year I have been blogging regularly and had considered it more of something I do for fun and a way for me to be creative, than as a way to reach people. However, today chan
If you’re an avid fisherman here in Western Montana then you probably already know what I’m going to tell you. However, if you are a recreational fisherman, then this information might be helpful to you. This could keep you out of hot water with Fish and Game, because as it turns out, fishing is not a year-round sport in all Montana districts. Here are the general regulations regarding when Montan
I’m sorry to inform you that this list is going to be rather short, as the fish naturally have limited real flies to choose from this time of year. This means, we don’t have very many tied flies that will work in the winter. My husband is an avid fly fisherman, even in the winter months...