Help Missoula Firefighters Climb for a Great CauseHelp Missoula Firefighters Climb for a Great CauseJoin Missoula firefighters at the Seattle Stairclimb event to support leukemia and lymphoma fighters.Dennis BraggDennis Bragg
Missoula Rural Fire Performs Dramatic Rescue on Blue MountainMissoula Rural Fire Performs Dramatic Rescue on Blue MountainA vehicle slid nearly 50 feet down an embankment.Peter ChristianPeter Christian
Arson at Old Lolo School Under Investigation by Fire OfficialsArson at Old Lolo School Under Investigation by Fire OfficialsEarly Friday morning, a call came in to 9-1-1 about a fire at the old Lolo School on Highway 93.Peter ChristianPeter Christian
Missoula Rural Fire Begins Study of Its Own Infrastructure NeedsMissoula Rural Fire Begins Study of Its Own Infrastructure Needs"We are definitely seeing an increase in our demand needs as well."Peter ChristianPeter Christian
Bystander and EMT’s Provide Lifesaving CPR During Missoula RunBystander and EMT’s Provide Lifesaving CPR During Missoula RunThe victim had no pulse so they began lifesaving efforts immediately.Peter ChristianPeter Christian
Missoula Fire: ‘Smoke Detector Probably Saved Man’s Life’Missoula Fire: ‘Smoke Detector Probably Saved Man’s Life’When firefighters arrived, the resident was already attempting to knock down the fire.Peter ChristianPeter Christian
What to Do if Someone Falls Through Ice on a Montana RiverWhat to Do if Someone Falls Through Ice on a Montana RiverMRFD says the ice is an ‘attractive hazard’.Peter ChristianPeter Christian
Structure Fire Near the UM Golf Course in MissoulaStructure Fire Near the UM Golf Course in MissoulaThe Missoula Fire Department is currently battling a structure fire on Yreka Court near the UM Golf Course. Nick ChrestensonNick Chrestenson
Late Night Fire Drives Tenant from Rental Home in MontanaLate Night Fire Drives Tenant from Rental Home in MontanaAt about 10:00 p.m. on Sunday, Missoula Rural Fire crews responded to an attic fire in the Target Range area.Peter ChristianPeter Christian
Missoula Firemen Free Feline From Car’s Engine CompartmentMissoula Firemen Free Feline From Car’s Engine CompartmentIt took a Missoula Rural Fire crew over an hour on Monday to rescue a stray cat that had lodged itself inside the engine compartment of a vehicle.Peter ChristianPeter Christian
Missoula Fire Captain Says Prevention Preparation Starts at HomeMissoula Fire Captain Says Prevention Preparation Starts at HomeCaptain Ballard also emphasized the importance of smoke and carbon monoxide detectors for any dwelling.Peter ChristianPeter Christian
Missoula Fire Chief Urges Drivers to Pull to the Right or StopMissoula Fire Chief Urges Drivers to Pull to the Right or StopMissoula Rural Fire Battalion Chief said that the most basic advice is often the most important.Peter ChristianPeter Christian