Missoula’s City Club monthly meeting focused on the sensitive subject of suicide, entitled 'Help and Hope: Missoula’s Collective Approach to Preventing Suicide'.
The State of Montana Department of Criminal Investigation, in conjunction with the Missoula Police Department has confirmed that the cause of death of 21 year-old Brenden Galbreath last Thursday was suicide.
National and Montana Suicide Prevention Week comes at just the right time for those in Missoula who are troubled by thoughts of suicide, especially during the COVID 19 shutdown and being isolated from friends, family and work.
Early numbers aren’t promising for 2018. Dr. Will Stratford of Missoula says he knows of 11 suicides that occurred during just one week so far this year.
The 53 black and green and white U.S. flags flying in front of the Garden City Funeral home in Missoula, have left many commuters wondering what they represent.