Teen Uses $25,000 of Bar Mitzvah Money to Buy 800 Pairs of Shoes for Underprivileged Kids
A kid in El Paso, Texas named Drew Frank recently turned 13. And he asked people to only give him money at his bar mitzvah. And what he did with the money is pretty incredible.
Drew ended up with over $25,000 from his bar mitzvah, and his plan all along was to give it to charity! He got together with a nonprofit called the Braden Aboud Memorial Foundation, which gives new shoes to underprivileged kids. And Drew's $25,000 was enough to buy 800 pairs of Nikes. About 400 of them went to kids at an elementary school in El Paso. The rest are going to kids at an orphanage and a transitional living center for women and children.
Now the hashtag "#JustDrewIt" has been going viral. Obviously it's a takeoff on Nike's "Just Do It" slogan, and it's inspiring other people to donate. If you want to help out, just go to BradenAboud.com.
Drew told the local news that he didn't like seeing kids who had to wear old hand-me-down shoes. And he wanted to use all that birthday money to do something nice for them. How awesome!
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