Tennessee Brothers Fly to Montana to Fulfill Dying Grandpa’s Last Wish
WARNING: The following may make yours eyes leak a little. If it is one thing that we can learn about life in general, it is that family is EVERYTHING. Whether your family consists of those close to you, or halfway across the country. Family is what "IT" is all about. And, when a member of your family has one last wish, you will drop what your doing and do everything possible to fulfill that wish.
I recently stumbled across a post about a dying man here in Montana, who had always wanted to see a Boise State game. His name is Jack, and he is dying of colon cancer. Jack's grandsons live in Nashville, and wanted to do one last thing for their Grandpa before he passed. So, they flew to Montana and loaded Jack up for a road trip to Boise, for a Broncos game.
Check out the full story from Kevin Steven (The smile on all of their faces will make even the coldest heart melt)