The Air’s a Little Thin Up There … on High Heels in Hamilton
A dedicated group of guys were walking the route in downtown Hamilton Friday, October 12, in the annual "Walk A Mile in Her Shoes" male high-heel event. The fairly stable men took a circuitous path along the Hamilton sidewalks to their destination at Legion Park, across South 2nd Street from City Hall. The walk is to promote awareness of partner and sexual abuse in the community.
The walk and the celebration at the park were sponsored by SAFE in the Bitterroot (Supporters of Abuse Free Environments), which offers 24-hour crisis line support and emergency shelter to victims of sexual and spouse abuse in Ravalli County. White Ribbon Week is coming October 21-27, along with the 21st Annual Report to the Community from SAFE October 26. A new feature will be two workshops for community agencies, "Exploring Economic Justice," which explores local program development, financial empowerment and economic security for survivors of abuse. Sarah Gonzalez Bocinski will host the October 25 sessions at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. For more information and to RSVP , call SAFE at (406) 363-2793.