The Missoula Guns n’ Roses Concert is a GO
We have finally received official word that the Guns n' Roses concert rescheduled for Friday, August 13th of this year, 2021, IS A GO. I have to type it all out like that because it seems that some of us have no idea what day, month, or year it is sometimes. And, if it gets postponed again, when people find this article they'll know which show we're talking about.
According to the Adams Center Ticket Office, they are still planning for the August 13th show to happen. With the vaccine so widely available to all Americans now, and even to kids as young as 12, I think a lot of things will be different by August, it's still 4 months away as of this writing. HOWEVER, as we have learned in the past year, things can change quickly, so we are cautious, but hopeful. As of right now though, this concert is happening at full capacity.
If you purchased tickets, those are still valid for the 8/13/2021 show. If you returned your tickets for a refund because COVID times were tough on so many financially, you'll have to repurchase. A LOT of people got a refund, which means tickets for this show are available online now. And remember, if you choose an aisle seat it is considered a "Premium Seat" and will cost a little more at check out. It's not just the U of M, this is pretty standard for every venue now. Right now I'm seeing a ton of tickets available, everything from $80 to $245.
I can also tell you that Logjam is currently booking shows, so it looks like we may have a concert season this summer after all. We'll keep ya posted.