Ubisoft Releases Teaser For FARCRY 5 Set in Montana
A little over a year and a half ago, I found myself "renting a bar stool" at the Rainbow Bar in Hamilton. I noticed a bunch of guys with french accents interviewing customers at the bar. They claimed to be employees of the video game company Ubisoft. The Paris-based company is best known for their blockbuster game franchises Assassin's Creed and Far Cry.
After sharing a couples rounds of drinks, one of the guys told me as little information as he could get away with. He told me that they had spent weeks all over Big Sky Country. Everywhere from Glacier Park to Jordan to the Bitterroot Valley. Their mission was to obtain as much information about Montana and its residents as they could to allow for the game developers to accurately portray the Treasure State in an upcoming western-themed game.
Rumors floated around the bar claiming the game was supposed to be a "modern day spaghetti western," I immediately researched the topic of a western-themed Ubisoft game, and came up with an article from January of 2015 in Forbes, which claimed:
"Ubisoft asks players if they’d like to see a spaghetti Western style Far Cry or possibly one set in the Vietnam War. Some of these seem like ideas for a flat-out Far Cry 5, the Vietnam idea especially which once again would allow for jungles filled with wildlife and despots to hunt. Similar ideas suggested include the cocaine-filled jungles of Peru, trying to survive in the stark Alaskan wilderness, and even a game set entirely in Shangri-la from FC4. A western could be fun, as the only great western game in recent memory was Red Dead Redemption, and this would be an FPS spin on that concept."
Well, as it turns out, they were right. The Far Cry 5 teaser trailer has been released, and it is based right here in Big Sky Country. As a fan of the past installments of the game, I am STOKED to play this. CHECK IT OUT! (Note: trailer does not feature gameplay.)