UM Offers Students Help Dealing With Failure And Learning Resilience With “Best Fail Ever’
As college students encounter difficulties in school, they encounter failure. and hopefully learn resilience that will help them through the rest of their lives.
The Curry Health Center on campus is presenting a series of events around the theme 'Best Fail Ever'.
Media specialist Jessica Vizzutti said studies have shown that college students deal with feelings of anxiety and fear of failure.
"We wanted to make an event that shows that everybody fails, and it's just a part of growing up and it's completely normal," Vizzutti said. "so, we have set up graffiti boards all across campus on October 3rd through the 6th and students can share their best failure stories. They might be funny, or they might be sad, but the idea is to get together in a public space and share those experiences. Then, on the 7th, from 8 to 10 p.m. at the Real Good Arts space, there's going to be a 'Best Fail Ever' show, and those boards will be up and different artists will display art that they consider to be failures, so it's a celebration of a common experience."
Vizzuttii said students, athletes, coaches and professors alike all share the feelings of failure and sharing their experiences can help others learn resilience.
"It's so true, if you participate in athletics, learning to cope with failure is definitely one of those skills you've gotta have, because things don't go great on the field every time," she said.
Vizzutti said counselors at the Curry Center are available to students at anytime 24/7.
Get more details about the 'Best Fail Ever' at the Curry Center website.