What are these “See Them Home” Shirts & Signs You are Seeing Around Town?
"See Them Home" is a campaign by the YWCA to bring awareness to the population of homeless families in Missoula.
That's right, I said families. When people hear the word 'homeless,' many of us think of men sleeping in doorways or standing outside of grocery stores with cardboard signs. But right now, on this very day, there are around 55 families right here in Missoula who's kids will be sleeping in cars or on the street tonight.
You hear people say it's tough to make a living in Missoula, and here's the proof. Many of these families include two parents with full time jobs who still can't make ends meet. It's heartbreaking - folks working for minimum wage and still having their heart shattered when they have to put their kids to sleep in a tent. I've known these people, some are listeners of our radio stations, some are the cashier you see every day at the convenience store. These are not lazy people, they are people you may interact with everyday.
It’s time we start seeing the problem … and offering our help just as visibly. That’s why YWCA Missoula and Missoula Interfaith Collaborative have joined together to begin working on a better solution for Missoula’s homeless families and survivors of domestic violence.
Some of these families are mothers with children, who had to choose between staying in a violent home or staying on the streets with her kids. Something we don't realize in our busy day to day lives is that there are children who attend our schools, schools your kids go to, who don't know where they will sleep tonight or if there will be any dinner.
As Missoulians, we pride ourselves in helping our neighbors in need. Lending a helping hand when we can. And that's "See Them Home." In August, the YWCA broke ground on a new facility that will provide critical support and shelter to survivors of domestic violence and homeless families. They are about 87% to the goal of opening the doors by the end of 2020, you can contribute here.
If you can't contribute monetarily, just recognizing the problem and helping others become aware of the problem is significant. Here are other ways to support the "See Them Home" campaign.
- Share their website on social media via Twitter
or Facebook
- Download a printer-ready poster to hang in your front window, your office or other public location (with permission, of course!). 8.5 x 11 and 11 x 17
- Email YWCA Missoula if you would like to volunteer your time on behalf of the campaign or YWCA’s programs.
- Email MIC if you’d like to help homeless families through the Housing Advocacy Network or Family Promise.
- Request a speaker to talk to your school, congregation, or other civic or social group about the issue of family homelessness in Missoula.