What To Include In Soldier Care Packages
With Veterans Day near and the holidays around the corner, it is time to start thinking about gathering up some goodies to send to our men and women overseas. The smallest kind gesture from fellow Americans can be a real moral boost for those active duty soldiers serving overseas. But, what exactly does one put into a care package? What items bring the most comfort to those service men and women away from their families during the holiday season?
Lauren Pomerantz of Soldiers’ Angels and Becky Pellowe of the Yahoo Group Support From Home compiled a list of items that make for the best care packages.
Hygiene Items
1. toilet Paper - take out the cardboard and flatten
2. sun block (at least SPF-15) and insect repellant, aloe vera gel
3. liquid hand sanitizer
4. baby wipes and refills, Avon Skin So Soft
5. toothbrushes and toothpaste
6. dental floss and mouth wash
7. disposable razors and shave gel or foam
8. Keri lotion (not oil based, for faces)
9. Chap Stick or Carmex, talcum powder
10. Q-tips, face cloths, big fluffy towels (for the ladies), facial cleansing pads
11. nail clippers, files, nail polish (neutral colors)
12. deodorant, shampoo, bar soap, body wash (liquid)
13. feminine hygiene products
14. hair bands, clips, hair spray, hair gel, brushes and combs
15. eye drops
16. facial tissues, saline nasal spray, Dayquil, Nyquil, Tussin
17. small mirrors
18. contact lens cleaner
19. after shave lotion
20. light weight tan or Army green colored cloth 10" X 36" (also called a "sand scarf")
21. Cool Scarf
1. tea bags
2. dried fruit
3. beef or turkey jerky
4. Slim Jims (they go fast)
5. powdered Gatorade, Crystal Light in 1 qt tubes
6. cookies in package or Ziploc bag
7. crackers, easy cheese
8. Chex Mix 9. small Pringles
10. gum, hard candy, Tic Tacs, breath mints
11. trail mix
12. granola bars
13. tuna
14. spices, condiments
15. summer sausage
16. power bars
17. Kool Aid (with sugar)
18. dry cereal (individual boxes)
19. Little Debby snack cakes
20. Ragu Express
21. powdered drinks, juice boxes
22. sunflower seeds
23. instant soups
24. instant oatmeal & grits
25. microwave popcorn (if your soldier has access to a microwave)
26. Kraft Easy Mac
1. magazines, jokes & comics
2. crosswords, word search puzzles, pens & pencils
3. paperback books or novels
4. local newspapers, post cards from your home town
5. small flash lights or book lights
6. disposable cameras
7. Frisbees, Nerf footballs, basketballs, electronic hand held games, CDs & players, hackie sacks, Yo-Yo's, Kids drawings, squirt guns to keep dust down,
8. envelopes and writing paper
9. boxes of assorted greeting cards
10. batteries, especially AA and AAA
11. AT&T phone cards
1. plain black sunglasses
2. socks (plain black or white), t-shirts, underwear (various sizes)
3. Clorox wipes
4. Zip lock bags
5. powdered laundry detergent, dryer sheets
6. cigarettes, chewing tobacco, cigars (if requested)