Where to Enjoy an Open Patio this Afternoon in Missoula
It's currently sunshiny and 69 degrees on a Cinco de Mayo Taco Tuesday, we can't be expected to stay in ALL afternoon, can we?! It's days like these when you want to tell your friends to meet you at the closest patio for a beer or 3. Good news, Al's & Vic's and James Bar are open right this very minute, and testing out the patio!
The gang are most certainly abiding by the rules of the Missoula County Health Department, and recommend you do the same. Here are the rules for visiting the patio this afternoon (which you should definitely do considering we are getting some cold, wet, windy weather tomorrow!)
1. No Standing or sitting at the bar
2. Table service only
3. There can be no more than 6 at a table
4. The tables must be 6ft away from each other
5. You may only enter through the front and exit through the back
6. We will be serving most drinks in plastic
7. Food will be served in to-go boxes and with plastic silverware
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