Which U.S. States Rock Harder than Montana?
Online ticket seller Vivid Seats just drilled down some numbers to find out which U.S. state rocks the hardest, and it wasn't Montana, we didn't even make the Top 20.
The #1 state for rock and metal? North Dakota. Here's how Vivd Seats came to this conclusion:
We compared the population of each state to the number of hard rock and metal concerts that take place there each year.
You'd think it would be someplace more like New York, California or Washington, but it looks like the population factor skewed the results, because here's the rest of the top 5: South Dakota, Utah, Nevada and Idaho. Not surprisingly, California hosts the most rock and metal shows overall. And the top selling metal acts? Metallica and Gn'R. Missoula is getting that brand new 6,000 person venue, The Drift, though, so we can keep trying. In fact, we've got a pretty great rock show to announce next week, you may want to double check that you have our free mobile app so you get the news first.