After the recent spate of cold and snowy weather, the City of Missoula Street Department has resumed its interrupted leaf collection program.

City Streets Manager Brian Hensel said the program is resuming where it left off.

"We finished (areas) one, two and three, and now we're continuing into areas four and five, and then we're going to go back and start again in areas one and two, to get the leaves that weren't picked up before," Hensel said. "We're still at it, and if we missed your street, just give us a call and we'll get to it as soon as we can."

Hensel has instructions for homeowners along the pick-up route on the best way to get their leaves taken care of.

"Certainly, don't bag them," he said. "Put them in the parking lanes without blocking the bike or the driving lanes. What I like to tell people is to make your piles longer and narrower, rather than short and wide, so you're not blocking anything. Also, try to keep peple from parking too close, or certainly not on top of the piles, so we can't get to them."

The number to call for leaf pick-up by the City of Missoula is 552- 6360.

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