We are anxiously anticipating the premiere of season 4 of the hit television drama "Yellowstone." It has been nearly a year since we experienced the emotional rollercoaster that was season 3. But, dry your eyes, as the new season is returning next month. Still no confirmed release date for the new season. But, plenty of speculation is swarming around Father's day or June 20th.

It appears that there might still be some loose ends to tie up from last year's filming here in Montana. Some portions of season 4 look like they have not even been filmed yet. According to the casting department for the show, there is still a scene that needs to be filmed. A scene that was originally scheduled to be filmed in October of 2020. But, was delayed due to the early fall snow storm we experienced. Now, they are back and ready to get the job done. And they are in need of YOUR help.

According to the Yellowstone Montana Extras page on Facebook

If you are available & fit the categories please submit!
Female stand ins:
Work dates 6/10&6/11 must be available both dates. Night calls
Rate: 150/12 +35 gas bump
Location: Hamilton
Covid test: Tuesday 6/8 in Missoula 8 am- 6 pm(mandatory)
Category: Stand in #1 Caucasian female ages 25-45. Blonde, height 5'5 weight 110-130
Category:Stand in #2 Asian female ages 20-45. Black -dk brown hair. Height 5'3-5'6
Protesters & Press:
Work Dates: 6/10&6/11 Must be available both dates these will be later calls on the 10th around a 2pm call time till 1 am, on the 11th call time around 3 pm till 2 amish. Must be OK with night calls.
Location: Hamilton
Covid test Tuesday 6/8 in Missoula 8 am- 6 pm(mandatory)
Rate: $105/12 (+100 Covid test & covid test protocols
+35 for virtual fitting+ 35 gas bump. You will also be rapid tested on the 10th on set but will not get the 100 for that test only once.
If you worked the protest scenes on 10/19 &10/20 you can submit for this.
Category: College activists ages 18-23 men and women
Category: career activists ages 40-70 men and women
Category: out of state activists think San Francisco types urban, Hippies etc.
Category: millennial activists ages 24-35 men and women
Category: Press ages 24-60
FBI & Swat:
Work dates 6/10&6/11 must be available both dates. Night calls
Rate: $105/12 (+200 Covid tests 2X & covid test protocols
+35 fitting+ 35 gas bump.) You will also be rapid tested on the 10th on set but will not get the 100 for that test.
Covid tests: Friday 6/4 Missoula 8 am -6 pm & Tuesday 6/8
Fitting: Hamilton on Monday 6/7
Men ages 25-55 waist 30-38 NO larger shoe size 9-12 we have limited uniforms.
Women ages 25-55 waist 27-28
conservative looks and in good shape.
Category: FBI/SWAT team
It is easy to submit an application
Simply email yellowstoneextrasmontana@gmail.com
Phone Number
Sizes (Shoes, waist, bra, shirt etc)
Town you live in
Current photos
and what category you are submitting for.
Who knows, you might see yourself on an upcoming episode of "Yellowstone."


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