
Blazing a Trail in the Rattlesnake? Bring Your Bug Spray!
Blazing a Trail in the Rattlesnake? Bring Your Bug Spray!
Blazing a Trail in the Rattlesnake? Bring Your Bug Spray!
I love spending time outdoors during the summer months, but I do not love all of the multi-legged creatures that make their home in the forest — especially the ones that bite. A few days ago, I set out on a nice, long run from the main trailhead in the Rattlesnake Wilderness Area ...
Health Benefits of Coffee
Health Benefits of Coffee
Health Benefits of Coffee
Like most Americans, I start my day with a cup of coffee. I have a cup or two while I’m at work and then maybe a cup when I get home. Sometimes I wonder if it’s good for me to be drinking so much coffee.