
“Intelligent” Rifle Scope Makes it Difficult to Miss
“Intelligent” Rifle Scope Makes it Difficult to Miss
“Intelligent” Rifle Scope Makes it Difficult to Miss
GREAT! Now there is absolutely no excuse for me to make for not filling my elk tag. A company called Tracking Point has manufactured "Digital Tracking Scopes." It is basically the same targeting system they use to on military jets, for your rifle.
Bob Wards – Shooter Saturday
Bob Wards – Shooter Saturday
Bob Wards – Shooter Saturday
I love the smell of gunpowder on a hot August day. If you are looking to get outside. Check out the Bob Wards demo at Deer Creek. Starting at 10am, you can test out just about every firearm you have been "eye-ballin" at Bob Wards. It is an annual event that I look forward to each year...
Batman Murders – Guy opens fire at “Dark Knight Rises” [VIDEO]
Batman Murders – Guy opens fire at “Dark Knight Rises” [VIDEO]
Batman Murders – Guy opens fire at “Dark Knight Rises” [VIDEO]
It is because of scumbags like this that I hold on tight to my guns. Last night the new Batman movie, "Dark Knight Rises", opened across the country. But in Aurora Colorado, a 24 year old man busted into a midnight showing of "Dark Knight Rises" and opened fire on the packed theater.