You may have already heard the news that Budweiser will be temporarily changing it's name to simply "America." It is a marketing plan to incite patriotism with it's customers. It is the all american beer. Pretty genius, if you ask me. Especially since Anheuser-Busch was bought out by a company out of Belgium.

If we had to pick a beer that represents Montana, what would it be? And I'm not talking about local micro brews, but national brands that sell happiness one can at a time.

The folks at Estately suggested a beer that best represents each of the 50 states. So what did they choose for Montana?

BUSCH (Trophy Cans)

Estately explains:

Busch’s Special Edition Trophy Can, and that’s something that really speaks to the sportsmen and sportswomen of the great state of Montana. Because even if you don’t catch or shoot the limit, you can always drink more than the limit of these wildlife-themed beers. By God, it’s good to be a Montanan.

Montana—If it reminds me of killing animals I’ll drink it.


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