$15,000 Bond for Man Who Threatened Ex-Girlfriend with Knife
24 year-old Robin Simpkins is in the Missoula County Jail charged with felony assault with a weapon after allegedly threatening to kill his ex-girlfriend and another man with a knife.
Court documents indicate that the two victims lived in a camper on Speedway Avenue in East Missoula, when Simpkins held a knife to the woman’s throat on Wednesday evening and she told Missoula County Sheriff’s deputies that ‘she thought she was going to die.”
Deputy County Attorney Kaitlin Williams asked Judge Matthew Erickson for $15,000 bail.
“This defendant pulled a knife on his ex-girlfriend and her new boyfriend and held it to his ex’s throat,” Williams said. “The defendant threatened to kill them both and ended up following them with the knife. When law enforcement caught up with him he was standoffish and when placed under arrest cursed at the deputies and kicked the partition in the patrol vehicle.”
Williams said Simpkins had several violent misdemeanors on his criminal record.
“Due to his violent criminal history, the state believes that $15,000 is an appropriate bond amount,” she said. “If released we request no contact with the victims, no drugs and no weapons in his possession.”
Judge Erickson set bond at $15,000 and ordered Simpkins to appear again on February 18.