5 Stages of Concert Anticipation
Concert Day. It's better than your birthday and Christmas combined. Some music lovers decide at the last minute that they are going to go, show up hoping tickets are still available and rock it. Hard core concert lovers have a routine, a plan, and likely live through the following 5 stages of concert anticipation.
- Townsquare Media Boise
Townsquare Media Boise 1The News
You hear the exciting news that a band you love is coming to Missoula, or somewhere in concert road trip traveling distance.
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Buy Tickets
You know the band is coming to town, you know what day and time tickets are on sale & you're prepared with enough funds in your account to buy some. Or, you have a special "concert ticket buying" credit card on stand by. You diligently fight the bots to get tickets online.
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Assemble Crew
You have your base concert crew, but depending on the show, there are people you need to add or subtract from your...don't make me say it...concert squad. You assemble your crew, make sure everybody is on the same page as far as pit tickets vs. reserved seating, and you pre-funk.
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Concert Day!
'Tis no day more glorious than Concert Day! In an ideal situation, it's a non-work day and you have plenty of time to choose the appropriate concert day t-shirt, map out your visit to the merch booth & guess the set list. If not, you go to work with Concert Day jitters and hope to get there in time to bullshit with your fellow concert goers in line.
- Thinkstock
Thinkstock 5Post Concert Depression
The day you've been waiting for has come and gone, it was such a good show that now you're sad that it's over. The ONLY remedy for dreaded post concert depression is to buy more concert tickets, at which time this list starts over.
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