Adorable Video Shows Missoula Firefighter Rescue a Tiny Fawn
As we get closer to the first official day of Summer, don't forget that it is still Spring. And Spring means baby critters everywhere. Just take a drive around any rural area and see how many new additions are stumbling around in the herd of cows. Other animals, including many wild animals are still celebrating spring with the additions of new members to the herd.
Anyone who is a fan of hiking, needs to be aware of the possibility of coming across a baby deer. Evolution has made fawn deer almost invisible to the naked eye. Evolution has given fawn deer a camouflage that allows them to blend in with just about any foliage. This is one of the fawn's only defenses from getting attacked by predators. The fawn is preprogrammed to lay as still as possible and not get gather any attention from predators. That is why it is always wise to be aware of where you are stepping while hiking in the Spring.
According to wildlifeaid.org
If you find a deer fawn, please follow these 3 simple rules:
Unless it’s in immediate danger, such as in the middle of the road, don’t touch it. A mother deer will reject her young if she picks up the human scent.
99% of the time the mother is very close by. (If you are walking your dog, put it on a lead.)
If you are concerned about the fawn’s safety, ring your local wildlife centre.
In some cases it is necessary for humans to get involved in rescuing a helpless fawn. For example, just recently a Missoula firefighter was tasked with the job of rescuing a fawn from an egress window in a Missoula neighborhood. In the following video from NBC Montana, see how well the fawn blends in to the leaves, and how happy the fawn is to be rescued.
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