An Open Letter To The Guy Blocking My View At Kettlehouse Amphitheater
Dear Guy Blocking My View At Kettlehouse Amphitheater,
Come on, man.
Sincerely, Mike.
...Oh, I guess I should go into a little more detail, huh? Ok, let's try this again.
Dear Guy Blocking My View At Kettlehouse Amphitheater,
Last night, my girlfriend and I were attending the sold-out Kip Moore show, and we were all set to have a good time. We had a few drinks in hand, found a great spot on the lawn, we were ready to go. And right up until the moment Kip Moore walked out onstage, it looked like it was going to be a perfect night.
And then you, sitting right in front of us, stood up and completely blocked our view.
Now, I get it - you're excited. This might be your first live music experience in a post-COVID world. But here's the thing - nobody else around you was standing up. You were one lone man standing in a sea of people who were perfectly content to sit for the time being. And instead of taking that as a cue to sit back down, you decided to stand for the rest of the show - again, completely blocking the people behind you, i.e. us.
The craziest thing about this? If you had just moved, like, five feet to the right, you would have been fine. Everybody in that section of the lawn was standing - you could have been among your fellow standers! Instead, you forced us to stand during the show, which in turn forced the people behind us to stand, and so on, and so on. It was a domino effect of people who wanted to sit being forced to stand, and it all rests on your shoulders.
I hope you had a great time at the show - just keep in mind that there are people around you next time, you know?
P.S. Very fun show otherwise!
P.P.S. Very much aware that me telling a guy in front of me to sit down so I don't have to stand makes me sound like an old man and I'm fully embracing it.
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