Bowhunter Tells Fox Business His Thoughts on Federal Land Transfer
You may have noticed that there is a debate going on between Washington D.C. and sportsmen. There is talk of the Federal Government transferring federal land to each individual state. At first glance you may think that can't be a bad idea. But, if you take a closer look, it could seriously harm those of us who enjoy recreation on public lands.
This bill, HR 622, could hand the policing of public lands entirely to the states. It also means our state could sell off chunks of public land to private buyers. With states having less resources to police the public land, as well as smaller budgets, we could see public lands disappear.
Sportsmen, like myself, can see that this could become a huge issue. Professional bowhunter, and my "Michael Jordan" of elk hunting, Cameron Hanes, recently discussed the bill on Fox News. He explains how he feels threatened by the bill.