Deftones Are Selling Merchandise to Help Struggling Road Crew
Between tour and festival cancelations, the coronavirus has affected the entire music industry. Deftones are selling merchandise to help out their struggling road crew in these times.
Many road crew workers depend on being able to assist with tours as their main source of income, and seeing as concerts are being canceled all over the world, it's uncertain when they'll be able to work again.
Deftones had to cancel their tour of Australia and New Zealand due to the scope of the disease, but they are still putting the merchandise that was for the tour up for sale online. "Our touring crew is essential for us to go out and do what we do for all of you," the band wrote on social media. "We will be giving all profits made back to our crew."
"If you are able to buy a shirt, we, and they, really appreciate the support," they continued. "Please note all merchandise will be shipping from AU, and prices reflect AUD. We will see you all soon. Stay safe."
See the full post below, and click here to browse the available merchandise.
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