Every Sport has its terms but when these regular wordings are transferred to outside of the athletic use... can sound very wrong.  I have heard none  more frequently used than at a hockey rink. Especially if you're a goalie!

The following is a collection of overheard/ spoken  terms and statements used at the hockey rink.  Dislaimer: I will not be held responsible for the images about to be brought to those of a dirty mindset OR those who say WTF?!? out loud in front of small children  during the reading of this article.... what the hell... yeah I will.


Situation: The crease is the blue area in front of the net.  The goalie's space.  A goal will not count if a player of the team trying to score enters the crease before the puck.

Statement: "We'll continue our game as soon as you remove both your feet from her crease"


Situation: A backdoor is a term to describe a shot made from behind the goalie usually while they are lined  up for another player on the opposite side of the zone.

Statement: "I was checking out the guy in front of me while his buddy was waiting to score on the backdoor"


Situation: Some players like to look fancy and stick handle instead of just taking the shot.

Statement: "Stop playing with your stick and score already!"


Situation: Angry player yelling at ref from the bench after a good call was finally made

Statement: Player 1: "finally ref! you missed the last 2 periods!"   Player 2: "might wanna pick up a pregnancy test"


Other random statements:

Way to stuff it in there

A lot of rubber has gone between those legs

I didn't want to get off when everyone else was getting off.

Its always harder when I get double teamed

Would have been nice to have some help when he was riding me in the corner

Or my latest personal contribution to the list: "OK, now I'm confused, which one of those guys shot me in the face?"

Enjoy my fellow gutter brains!



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