Global warming has been the topic of many debates over the last decade. Environmentalists are forming ranks to go to battle against industries they feel are destroying the planet. They are going head to head against large corporations that are polluting water and the air. But, not only are corporations under attack. There has been a big punch recently for individuals to lower their carbon footprint, campaigns for individuals to try and produce less pollution or harmful gasses that can destroy the atmosphere.

There have been many theories on what may be creating the most greenhouse gasses on our planet, causing the average temperature of the planet to increase, which causes ice caps to melt and ocean levels to rise. Some say it is the exhaust from coal-burning electrical plants and factories. Others say it is the exhaust from the billions of cars fossil fuel-burning cars on the roads. But some also think it is the excessive burping and farting from livestock that is to blame for the increase in global warming.

What will a "fart tax accomplish?"

According to

Denmark will tax livestock farmers for greenhouse gases emitted by their cows, sheep and pigs from 2030, according to a radical new proposal by the Danish government.

Taxation Minister Jeppe Bruus said the scheme aims to slash Northern European country's greenhouse gas emissions by 70% by 2030.

“We will take a big step closer in becoming climate neutral in 2045,” Bruus said, adding Denmark “will be the first country in the world to introduce a real CO2 tax on agriculture”.

Could Montana farmers and ranchers someday see a similar tax on their livestock "emissions?" It is highly unlikely. But, it would sure be an interesting debate to watch happen on the Senate floor. Just imagine the endless amount of fart jokes that lawmakers would tell. I'm cracking up just thinking about it.

READ ON: See the States Where People Live the Longest

Stacker used data from the 2020 County Health Rankings to rank every state's average life expectancy from lowest to highest. The 2020 County Health Rankings values were calculated using mortality counts from the 2016-2018 National Center for Health Statistics. The U.S. Census 2019 American Community Survey and America's Health Rankings Senior Report 2019 data were also used to provide demographics on the senior population of each state and the state's rank on senior health care, respectively.

Read on to learn the average life expectancy in each state.

Gallery Credit: Hannah Lang

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