Favorite Missoula Gym Closing It’s Doors. All Equipment For Sale
One of Missoula's fitness institutions will be closing its doors for good, but their loss might be your gain.
When I first moved to Missoula around 2004 one of the first things I did was search out a local, affordable gym. Something clean, close, and had late hours. I was extremely pleased when I found Gold's Gym. It was conveniently located right off Reserve street, only minutes away from my work. They had an incredible promotion going on at the time. I signed up with no contract, extra fees, or high-pressure sales for $20 a month. Yes, $20 a month. I held that membership for over 10 years before moving and my price never changed. Then when I moved back, they gave me back the exact same deal. That's unheard of. The real sale for me was they were open 24 hours. I like working out when it's empty, late at night, and all the machines and weight racks are open.
Last month, the owners of Ridge Fitness announced that the gym would be up for sale, and sadly, only a month later, the space has sold. The press release reads:
Last for use Feb 28th
All equipment for sale: (serious offers only)
All flooring for sale: (serious offers only)
All Tanning beds for / other equipment for sale
Leave a note with Andrew with the equipment wanted and a dollar offer or email Jared at Jared@jaredlangley.com
All aerobics classes are canceled
Daycare is open through Feb 28th
All financial issues must be taken care of by 2/28/23 - no exceptions -Ridge Fitness Press Release
I'm going to miss this gym. I've met a lot of great people and employees there over the years. Thanks to Golds/Ridge Fitness for being such a positive place for fitness in Missoula for so many years.