Happy Father’s Day to Our Rad Dad 2018 Winner
The race was neck in neck this year for the Rad Dad competition, but one man did prove victorious in the end. Congratulations to Sam's Dad Ben, who was nominated by his wife in a photo of them together in the front row of the recent Barenaked Ladies show at Big Sky Brewing.
Ben and 5-year-old Sam picked up 18% of the total votes
In 2nd place is Nathan with 15% of the votes
Nathan is truly one of the best dads any kid could ask for. He spoils them with love and cuddles and he makes sure they are always taken care of. Hes not only a great father, hes an amazing person all around. Anyone who knows Nathan, loves him!
And in a close 3rd is Graham with 14% of the votes
This man continues to amaze me as a father and husband. He shows his family unconditional love and loves to teach our children's young minds. You can find him keeping himself busy with project after project in the garage. Whether he is building stuff out of wood, grinding metal or welding something amazing, he always lets the kids get in on the fun. Our 5 year old daughter loves drilling holes in wood and snugging screws. And our 8 year old son may very well be the youngest welder!
Thanks for all you do Graham! Your family loves you!!
Happy Dad's Day to all of the great Montana fathers who were nominated and big thanks to LogJam Presents, Willie's Distillery, Silverwood, The Fox Club and Fitz's Auto Body for hookin' up the rad prizes!
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