How to Help Blaze Listener Who Severed His Thumb (Warning: Photos)
You likely know long time Blaze listener and owner of Bubs n' Boards, Nick Wilson. Nick is an Army vet and wonderful father who recently had a terrible accident. Here's what a close friend of his shared with us.
While Nick was working on a project he had a convulsion from his involuntary movement disorder and his hand was thrust into the machinery he was working with. - He severed an artery in his finger and completely lost the join in his thumb and part of the lower join in his index finger. His thumb and index finger are attached as of now, but he will not know if he gets to keep them until after Wednesday (March 14). He also has a laceration across his palm. - Nick had to be flown via helicopter to a specialist because it is so awful.
Nick was doing some woodworking when the accident happened on March 9th, he's currently in a big cast and sling until they can figure out what to do with him. Needless to say, his medical bills are going to be overwhelming and his awesome friends have launched a Go Fund Me page for him. Nick is a great guy, let's help him out.
Here are some photos, they may not be safe for work and they're definitely cringe worthy. Our hearts go out to Nick and his family, you got this buddy, heal soon and keep us posted!