Marine Pfc. Louis Charles Charlo Memorial Highway Dedicated
Today, September 26th, the Louis Charles Charlo Memorial Highway was dedicated in Evaro, Montana, on what would have been his 93rd birthday.
During the past state legislative session, HB 717 was passed into Montana law, which established the memorial highway on U.S. Highway 93 from mile marker 7 to mile marker 9 near Evaro. The ceremony to unveil the sign and honor the life and service of U.S. Marine Louis Charlo, great-grandson of Chief Charlo, and a participant in the original flag raising at Iwo Jima, was held this morning at 10 a.m.
Attendees and participants included tribal elders and many of Louis Charlo's family, including his brother, poet Victor Charlo, who began the ceremony with a prayer and reading from his book "Put Sey", where he recalled memories of his brother. The Two Eagle River School drum group performed the Flag Song and Honor Song along side the Honor Guard. Other speakers included Louis Charlo's nephew Martin Charlo, state representatives Marvin Weatherwax Jr. and Shane A. Morigeau, representatives for Senator Tester and Governor Bullock, and the sign presentation by Montana Department of Transportation Director Mike Tooley.
You will see the Louis Charles Charlo Memorial Highway signs at mile marker 9 northbound on 93 after the Evaro sign, and at mile marker 7 going south.