Missoula Company Makes Exploring the Outdoors Easy
One of the downsides of public land hunting, is knowing where public land ends and private land begins. To help with that, a local company called onXmaps has created a new way for you to know exactly where you are at all times.
In Montana, you are required to know where you are at all times. If you are found on private land, you cannot claim ignorance.
According to the company's website, they've produced:
An essential tool for your hunting arsenal, these fast, intuitive topographic maps highlight all public and private property boundaries. Our HUNT Maps add a layer of private land parcels which list land owner information. With the HUNT line of products you can easily determine your position in relation to public or private property boundaries, find new access, determine land owner names and ranch boundaries, and we are just getting started! Endorsed by numerous State and Federal agencies, our maps are the most reliable source for land ownership maps on the market.
Rob Hart, owner of onXmaps, was recently a guest on the Montana Outdoor Radio Show. Hear Rob discuss the recent addition of Block Management maps to the line of maps offered.
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