Missoula Gets 5 in Best Food and Drinks in Montana for 2018 List
Montana is a big state with lots of restaurants and diners to choose from, so for Missoula to get 5 of the top spots from The Daily Meal is a pretty cool honor. The list created was for The Best Food & Drink in Montana for 2018, and for the most part they got things correct. Although they could have found all the winners here in Missoula if they would have looked a little harder. :)
The first award for Missoula was for BEST BAR and the winner was Charlie B's!
Next up was BEST BEER which went to Big Sky Brewing Company's Ivan the Terrible!
Then for BEST CHINESE Restaurant the award went to China Garden!
For BEST CUPCAKES the winner was Bernice's Bakery!
Lastly, BEST MEXICAN Restaurant went to Taco Del Sol!
I'm hoping next year we see a category for best Nachos, although I am still waiting to find some better than the ones at Tamarack Brewing Company.
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