Missoula Gets A Nod In The Hot New Hulu Series ‘The Handmaids Tale’
WARNING: Do NOT watch The Handmaids Tale unless you can commit to binge-watching the entire first season on Hulu!!! Trust me, it will suck ya in...
To give you a little taste of what the series is about, check out the Hulu description:
Adapted from the classic novel by Margaret Atwood, The Handmaid's Tale is the story of life in the dystopia of Gilead, a totalitarian society in what was formerly the United States. Facing environmental disasters and a plunging birthrate, Gilead is ruled by a twisted fundamentalism in its militarized ‘return to traditional values'. As one of the few remaining fertile women, Offred (Elisabeth Moss) is a Handmaid in the Commander’s household, one of the caste of women forced into sexual servitude as a last desperate attempt to repopulate the world. In this terrifying society, Offred must navigate between Commanders, their cruel Wives, domestic Marthas, and her fellow Handmaids – where anyone could be a spy for Gilead – all with one goal: to survive and find the daughter that was taken from her.
The series also features actresses Alexis Bledel (Rory from Gilmore Girls) and Samira Wiley ( Poussey Washington from Orange Is The New Black). Alexis Bledel's character, Ofglen, is originally from Missoula before she gets sucked into the nightmare that is modern day America in The Handmaids Tale. This slight nod to our town was a fun but fleeting moment in the second episode of season 1.
You better believe that this series has a bunch of twists and turns and based on the massive Twitter reaction after the season finale, you better prepare yourself for round 2!