Missoula Pizza Shop Finally Finishes Expansion
I had to dig back through the archives to see how long ago it was that we talked about this - way back in August 2019, we reported that Biga Pizza in Missoula was set to expand into the space directly behind their current location on Front Street.
That's right: Biga Pizza was getting biga.
The reason behind the expansion was to take advantage of the extra space and allow them to concentrate more on takeout and delivery, which had often operated pretty slowly, sometimes with up to an hour-and-a-half wait. And it's likely that the expansion would have been finished a lot sooner... but then, you know, the pandemic happened.
(Sidenote: that feels like a sentence I should be able to copy-and-paste into most articles I write going forward. "This place was going to do a thing... but then, you know, the pandemic happened." That would definitely save me a ton of time.)
So here's some good news: Biga Pizza has finally finished its expansion! Now you'll be able to enter the building on both sides, either in the original spot on Main Street or the new expansion on Front Street. Biga Pizza has long been one of Missoula's favorite pizza places, so to allow them to make more food more quickly with this new space is definitely good news.
Have you stopped by the new and improved Biga Pizza since they opened the expansion? Are you excited to finally be able to check it out?
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