Missoula Unites on Social Media to Find Downtown Business Vandals
Missoula crime statistics have been on the rise over the last few years. It seems that ever since the pandemic hit, people stopped caring about their morality or how their actions affected others. In fact, we recently reported on some startling crime statistics here in Montana.
In a recent post from Chris Wolfe
According to the reports, which compiles information from the FBI, if you live in Montana there is a 1 in 210 chance that you will be a victim of a violent crime. In Missoula you have a 1 in 149 chance of being the victim of a violent crime. Thee is a 1 in 29 chance of being the victim of property crime. Missoula is considered safer than only 5% of neighborhoods in the U.S.
Vandalism has also been a major issue lately. There seems to be a constant flow of reports of car break-ins and destruction of property.
This past weekend, a popular downtown Missoula business was the victim of blatant vandalism. A video surfaced online showing young adults breaking windows at Import Market on Broadway and Ryman Street.
According to the Social Media post from Import Market
Sunday Morning, May 28th @ 2:43 a.m. these 5 were involved in vandalizing our building and left the scene of the crime. Property damage is estimated to be at least $1500.If you can identify any of these 5, please contact the Missoula County Police. An active investigation is ongoing.
Since the video was posted, we have seen the video shared by tons of Missoulians hoping to help find out who did this. The video alone has been watched over 2500 times. It is only a matter of time until they are found and brought to justice. If Missoula can continue to work together with issues like these, we could begin to see a drop in those dreaded crime statistics.