MMIWG Candlelight Vigil for Murdered Missoula Teen
On August 27th, a local family reported a teenager missing. On August 29th, they got the horrible news that her body had been found in Hardin, Montana.
A candlelight vigil will be held on Monday, September 23rd at 10 a.m. outside of the Missoula Urban Indian Health Center in support of a "March for Justice" in the name of 18-year-old Kaysera Stops Pretty Places.
The "March for Justice" is being held in Hardin at the same time. At the time of her death, Kaysera was a Missoula resident and her family is desperate for answers, they are even offering a $5,000 reward leading to answers in her death. If you feel you have any information that may help this investigation, please call the Big Horn County Investigator at (406) 665-9780.
Kaysera's aunt's employer posted the following, our hearts go out to everyone who knew her.