Navy Creates Epic Penis in Skies Over Washington State
When this story broke, a lot, and I mean A LOT of people were sending me the link. I mentioned it to our news guy and he goes "I can't imagine why." For those of you who don't know, I'm the immature jerk who likes to add phallic art to existing pictures.
Yesterday, November 16th, penises were spotted in the skies over Omak, which is in north central Washington. As you can see, locals were impressed enough to snap pics and share the epic sky drawings on social media. Others weren't so amused, one mother told KREM 2 News in Spokane that she found the sky art offensive and didn't like having to explain the drawings to her kids. (She couldn't have just told them it was a rocket?)
So who created this beautiful art? The Navy has taken credit for the shenanigans. Officials with the Naval Air Station at Whidbey Island (Puget Sound) have confirmed that one of their aircraft was responsible for the "obscenity."