Park Service Begs People NOT to Sacrifice Slow Friends to Bears
"You don't always have to run faster than a bear, you just have to run faster than your friend." It has always been a funny figure of speech when it comes to surviving a bear attack in the wilderness. Apparently, some people are taking that a little too literally, when it comes to bears. So much so that it got a response from the National Park Service.
Obviously, it is a tongue-in-cheek way of sharing with park visitors how to be bear-aware. Spring is when bears start becoming active and desperate for food.
What is best about this tweet is the endless amount of "What if..." questions that people start asking about relationships.
"What if they consider you a friend, but you consider them more of an acquaintance?"
"What if you're the slower friend?"
"What if the bear looks really hungry?"
"What if I really want to push my friend over, but it has nothing to do with a bear?"
But, in all seriousness, be Bear aware. Always carry pepper spray when hiking in the backcountry. Also, keep an eye out when you are taking out the trash. We are on the fringes of bear country and there is no shortage of bear sightings in town.