Playboy Going PG – Dropping Nudity
As of 2016, Playboy will drop nudity and be published solely 'for the articles.'
I thought this was some kind of cruel joke when I read about it. It's like holding a concert and announcing that there will still be a merch booth and beer garden but no bands.
And I know the majority of the population is so jaded when it comes to porn and nudity, that news like this draws a whole lot of "who cares?" from the internet trolls. But I still have a subscription to Playboy, and I care. There's just something more genuine about holding a magazine, a book or a CD case.
Who do you think should be featured in the final issue to include nudity? I swear to you, if there's a Kardashian on the cover, I will burn down the whole news stand. My vote is for a "Best of Pam Anderson."