Police Investigate Red Balloon Prank
Stephen King's "IT" is coming to theaters this week. Judging by the reactions from people after just watching the trailer, it is gonna be GOOD. But, the hype of the movie is also bringing back some unwanted guests. There have been reports of more "scary clown" sightings around the country. Not to mention red balloons tied to sewer grates.
For those not familiar with the Stephen King novel, a demon disguises himself as a clown and lures children into the sewer with red balloons. Fans of "IT" noticed the reference right away. Even police officers thought of it as clever. But, people in the town of Lititz Burrough, PA are a little concerned. With the creepy clown sightings last fall and now more clown related shenanigans, residents are hoping it isn't a trend that sticks around.
Have you seen any red balloons randomly floating around town? If so, try to stay away from them and the creepy clowns. Which is not an impossible task.
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