Relay For Life Kick Off Event in Missoula
I hope you have been preparing because coming up soon is the 2017 Relay For Life here in Missoula. Right now, the staff and volunteers are working on the big kick off party happening on June 17th at Wal-Mart on Mullan Road. The goal is to get as many teams signed up and fundraising for the Relay which is set for Saturday, September 16th at Community Medical Center. Missoula County Relay For Life is a community fundraising event to fight cancer and bring awareness to American Cancer Society Programs and Resources.
At the kick off party there will be a fundraising BBQ with hotdogs, chips, and soda. Hotdogs will be .50, + chips $1.00, + soda $1.50. That is a great deal you could have lunch for $1.50 and the money would go to a great cause.
Also at the BBQ there will be crafts for the kids and face painting. There will also be information to register your team for the big relay in Missoula. Hope to see you there!
Koda and Gypsy playing in the water
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