Stone Sour Albums Ranked
Who knew? In 1992, a little known band called Stone Sour formed in Des Moines, Iowa, stayed together for five years and then quietly disbanded. Their singer, Corey Taylor, all of a sudden was thrust into the spotlight with the increasingly popular Slipknot. But three years after they split and with Slipknot doing quite well, Taylor decided to give Stone Sour another go. This time around, the band would find that breakout success and in the process were able to distinguish themselves from Slipknot though Taylor was the voice of both groups.
When Stone Sour's self-titled debut arrived in 2002, it was a mostly heavy sounding effort that didn't fly to far from Slipknot's established path. As eventually fans got more familiar with Stone Sour, the band decided to branch out a bit. Come What(Ever) May and Audio Secrecy both leaned more hard rock and offered more accessible songs for radio to pick up on, while House of Gold & Bones Pt. 1 and House of Gold & Bones, Pt. 2 saw the band start to dabble in a variety of styles while delivering their first conceptual piece. As the lineup has changed, so has the sound to some extent, but Taylor's partnership with guitarist Josh Rand has been the creative through line during the entire history of the band.
Stone Sour have continued to surprise fans and evolve with each disc, but which of their works is the best? Scroll through the gallery below as we rank Stone Sour's studio albums from weakest to strongest.
Stone Sour Albums Ranked
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