"I had an orgasm in Bozeman, Montana." That's the words on the front of the box of the sex toys that Bozeman Democrats are apparently handing out while door-to-door campaigning.
Think that your relationship is a little bit weird? Not feeling normal? Well, you're probably the most normal couple in the world after hearing about this situation.
Oh, Alex Jones. He's a pioneer. He’s an explorer. He's sick of chemicals in the water that turn the frickin' frogs gay and he's also revealed he 'had over 150 women' by the time he turned 16.
Another teacher busted for having sex with a student but this story has a twist that I haven't heard or seen before. You won't believe what happened here!
How would you feel if this happened to you? A car salesman rummaged through customers' phones and found nudes, then uploaded them to a swingers' website.
Police in Windsor, Ontario, have arrested a woman her called herself LilSecrett.
However, there was not much secretive to her. She was wanted for showing all on her webcam.
Check out these two, going at it in the subway station. Fine, they don't seem to be bothering anybody, until a man, his foot and a baby appear to be involved.
Another day, another story about a teacher having sex with a student.
But this one is a little different. In fact, it seems like it's straight out of a made-for-TV movie.