The wolf hunting season has become so popular in the northwest part of the state, that Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks is asking to expand the season starting next year in Region One.
Education and Public Information specialist with Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks, Ron Aasheim, provided an update Friday on wolf hunting numbers, and the alarming prospect of invasive mussels coming into the state.
The Montana Fish and Wildlife Commission is meeting in Helena on Thursday to hammer out details on a number of issues dealing with both fishing and hunting.
The general hunting season for wolves began on Monday, but some hunters won't find themselves alone, they'll be shadowed by the Yellowstone Wolf Patrol.
Four wolves have been killed in the first two days of a controversial wolf hunting season that began in Michigan on December 20, according to state wildlife officials.
Now that the general big game rifle hunting season is over, officials with Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks are preparing for the wolf trapping season, which begins December 15.
I have spent lots of time perfecting my shooting skills with my archery equipment, but nothing can prepare you for the moment you draw back on an animal and not just a hay bale. The first wolf of the 2013 hunting season was recently taken by Montana hunter James Newell.
Wolf trapping season got underway officially on Saturday, and only two have been caught so far, according to Ron Aasheim with Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks.
Interest in wolf trapping in Montana has surprised officials at Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks. Spokesman Ron Aasheim says over 1,700 requests for more information about wolf trapping certification courses have been received, and classes are overflowing.