The Five Sure Signs to Tell It’s Fall
This time of year is a favorite of a lot of people. What are some of those telltale signs it's Fall? I love a lot of things about each season to be honest. Fall though, after this smokey and hot summer, I think has been welcomed by many.
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Pumpkin Everything
Yes 'Pumpkin spice is everywhere we go', you can find a ton of things that have been twisted with pumpkin. Every year it is more and more.
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Selling of Apples
You have seen them being sold at the farmers market and even just outside peoples homes who have fruit and don't sue it, it's great.
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New Fall TV Seasons and Premieres
From 'Law and Order' to 'The Blacklist' and 'Once Upon a Time' new TV is here!
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Fall Foliage
The leaves are changing, the colors are always great during the fall in this state. The mountains look great, so do the fields, and of course the trees.
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Halloween Stuff and Ideas
There is no shortage right now of Halloween decor and costumes out and about. There are so many things on FB being shared.