University of Montana Hosting Free Outdoor Events With WinterFest
Do you know what we could really use with this winter weather? An outdoor singalong to the songs of Frozen! I feel like we've all had that thought at one time or another. No? Well, if the singalong and a bunch of other outdoor activities do sound like fun to you, and you're a UM student, there'll be plenty to do at the University of Montana's first WinterFest.
What is WinterFest all about?
You might have picked up on the fact that social opportunities have been a bit limited with this whole pandemic thing. And that can be a bit tough on a school campus when it eliminates chances for students to gather and meet new people. The hope with WinterFest is that it will get students engaged and bring people together to have some fun. It happens on Tuesday, February 1st from 2 PM to 5 PM and it's free for UM students.
What will WinterFest offer for entertainment?
It sounds like there are plenty of outdoor activities planned on the Oval! And it looks like temperatures will be in the mid-20's so you'll want to bundle up a bit.
Events will include:
- Fire pits
- Ice rink with free skate
- 'Frozen' singalong
- Winter scavenger hunt
- Throw a Snowperson (roll giant dice to build a snowperson based on the numbers you roll)
- Knock ‘Em Down” (knock over buckets with beach balls)
- “Build a Snow Fort” with sugar cubes.
Listen for "Let It Go" to echo through Missoula
What a perfect place to hold a WinterFest event! What better way to enjoy a little outdoor fun than with the university providing a backdrop of snow-covered mountains. Find out more about the University of Montana's WinterFest HERE.