Updated Website Details Positive COVID Cases in Montana Schools
So far the school year is off to an interesting start. After spending much of last year in either "distance learning" programs or masked up in class, Kids are anxious to get back to normal. Unfortunately, the return to "normal" means kids getting sick. Parents know how it goes. When kids are in school, they tend to get colds or just snotty noses. In my household, we are only 10 days into the new school year and my 9-year-old has been home three days with a serious cold. Which, before the pandemic, would have only been a day or two max, but things are different now. The thought of sending a kid to school with even mild symptoms of ANY illness seems wrong.

The COVID 19 pandemic has parents on edge. Even the slightest runny nose from a child has parents wondering if it is early signs of something worse. Now, with the Delta variant starting to affect kids more and more, it is no surprise that parents are beginning to feel anxious when their kid comes home with a slight fever and a cough.
But, how many of Montana's K-12 students are actually testing positive with COVID 19? How many positive cases have been reported at your child's school? A recently updated website called covidschooltracker.com has a complete list of reported positive cases in each individual K-12 school in the entire state of Montana. The website also features reported positive cases for Montana colleges and universities as well.
All information is sourced directly from the Montana Communicable Diseases Epidemiology/ MT DPHHS.