Watch R Lee Ermey Drive WW1 Tank Near Missoula
The world lost a great Marine this past weekend. R. Lee Ermey a.k.a. "Gunny" passed away recently at the age of 74. We all know him for his roles in "Full Metal Jacket," "Toy Story" or even "Saving Silverman." But, did you see Gunny's show Lock N' Loaded on History Channel?
A few year back, R. Lee Ermey visited western Montana. "Gunny" came to Missoula, to speak with a local man who owns one of the last remaining WW1 tanks in existence. "Hayes" lives on Evaro Hill, and has one of the only fully operational tanks left over from the first World War. 'Gunny" was able to drive the old machine through the hills, and even blast off a couple rounds, just outside of Missoula.