What Being a Montanan is All About – Watch Man Rescue Woman From Flood Waters Near Shelby
Scrolling though Facebook usually consists of nothing but hate and vanity. It seems like it has become more and more rare to find news that doesn't suck. Today, I noticed my friend Matt had posted a video that truly makes me proud to be his friend and proud to be a Montana boy. Further proof that Montana is for Badasses.
According to Matt McCollam's post
Let me start by saying he would never post something like this and would most likely not even tell people about it, but those that know my brother Seth know he’s a stud and the first person to act when someone is in need, we were traveling home last night from North Dakota after our 2 week work hitch, there is a ton of ground water from snow melt off and sections of hwy 2 had water flowing over the highway, most were fairly shallow and only required slowing down to 15 mph to safely cross ,, but as we approached Dunkirk there was a much larger and much deeper section that covered the highway, as we slowly started to drive through it we noticed a car about 40 yards off the highway that appeared at first glance had been left after someone had driven into the water, as we got closer we could see it was sinking, we said we have to see if someone is in that car, i shut off the diesel and there was a woman screaming for help from the car, now keep in mind this is around midnight with temps in the 20’s and water temp around 34 °, without hesitation Seth jumps into the water and swims to the car and brings the lady back to the truck, by this time the car was almost completely submerged, he got her into the truck and gave her a blanket to warm up, we drove her up the highway and left her safely with her husband.
See the footage of Seth rescuing a stranded woman from MT Hi-line flood waters.